MUMBAI: College campuses in-state will re-open physically from February 15, announced by higher and technical education minister Uday Samant in Mumbai on Wednesday. The state has given a go-ahead to all universities and colleges to re-open with 50% attendance. Classes and exams will be conducted both online and offline, he said.
The first phase will be from February 15 to March 5, after which the state will review the condition, said the minister.
Samant said that many of the hostels are still being used as quarantine centers, and therefore, outstation candidates can continue to take online lectures. He also said that students can attend lectures voluntarily. Many who are apprehensive about joining physical classes, can continue with online education, he said. The compulsory attendance rule of 75% will be relaxed for this academic year, he added.
Minister also said that colleges should not force parents to pay fees, considering the Covid pandemic situation. The final decision on fees will be taken by the Fees Regulation committee and the higher and technical education department.